The Beginning

by Casey Muxlow

posted on 12/09/2024


Blog Entry 1 : Problems

At the beginning of the week, we had no base, no assets, and we did not have a source control setup.

Without the base, assets, or source control my fellow developer could not help create a game and there was no base available to build upon.

Blog Entry 2 : Solutions

I helped my teammate setup the source control at the time of the setup we still did not have a base to start from. Our p4ignore was also not working properly at the time I was attempting to get things working the rest of the lecture was not available. So, I found documentation by Helix that walked me through the correct set up for the p4ignore. I got the p4ignore working then it was time to make a base in Unreal Engine to build off of. This is where I messed up and had to delete a file off of the depot because I incorrectly set up the folders on the depot when I pushed from my workstation. The minor error was that I named the base folder the games name and not the team’s name. I deleted that folder and pushed with the correct folder name and correct Uproject name.

After getting a base pushed and confirming the p4ignore I built a mule project on my desktop and began to import assets to the mule project. I am not finished with this process yet as some assets are difficult due to the versions of Unreal Engine that are being used. For example, the version of the engine for the project is 5.2.1 and some of the assets are from 5.4.2 and 4.2.7 which requires a different approach to migrate the assets. To acquire 4.2.7 its slightly easier as you make a mule project for that version of the engine then open the project in 5.2.1 which will convert the assets for you. Going in reverse is slightly more complex as the materials are different in 5.4.2 so the materials have to be made in 5.2.1. This process is taking slightly longer than expected but now that I have a system it is going faster than it was.

As of now I have added the following assets:

Base project,

Prebuilt house that I made in the mule project including its materials, textures, and meshes,

Terrain materials, textures, and meshes,

Building materials, textures, and meshes,

Many different pieces of furniture including their materials, textures, and meshes,

Many different kinds of weapons and accessories including their materials, textures, and meshes,

Mercenary enemy with its materials, meshes, and textures,

and the Player character with its materials, textures, and meshes.

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